Friday, January 23, 2015

Life . . . Just Picture It!

Life . . . Just Picture It!  is the tagline for a wonderful photographer with whom I have worked.  Kelly of Kelly Hahn Photography does a fabulous job capturing all of the elements of your wedding day or photo session. She really gets to know those she is photographing and showcases them beautifully in her pictures!

What follows is an interview with Kelly (so you can get to know her) conducted by my intern Kelsey . . . hope you enjoy it! 

1.      What inspired/led you to your profession?
I had studied photo journalism during my college years and was extremely passionate about these studies. I felt as though I could make a difference through photography by telling a story about my clients and the most important day of their lives thus far.
2.      How long have you been working in the field?
Hard to believe, but it all adds up to about 24 years!!
 3. Did you always know you wanted to be in that profession? Or did it just happen?
Yes, going to college led me to a degree in communications with a minor in photography. In the early years of this interest, I kept taking family photos with my family and realized I really did have some skill and loved taking pictures!  So, I decided to pursue it as a career. My first job was with a newspaper taking pictures for the stories.   
 4. Was anyone from your family involved in a similar field?
I have a sister who does videography and a brother who creates animal exhibits, so I would say that we are all in a “creative” career field, but through different industries and expressions!   
 5. What are the best aspects of your job? The worst?
I love the variety in every day -- every client and situation is different. I get to be a part of weddings and babies, and share in that life experience with them.  All the times are happy times. With weddings, I can capture the most intense beautiful and happy emotions all in one afternoon. I’d have to say that photography is never boring and I get to meet lots of fabulous people. I really am always happy when taking photographs!
 6. What is your most memorable past event? Was it good or bad?
When I was a photojournalist for the newspaper, I felt like my mission was to take images that made a difference, elicit not only thought, but action from the viewers. So, I was excited to have the chance to be assigned to follow a church group to Nicaragua where they would be building a clinic and providing medical assistance to small village near the capital.  Perhaps, by documenting the efforts of the church group, others would be inspired to action and the lives of these Nicaraguans, who had endured such poverty and sickness, could change.

Coming close to the end of the trip, a few of us were invited to a villager’s home for tea. Walking inside of what was really a shack, I viewed a room in which there were many people, little furniture and only one decorative item, a pair of brightly painted paper mache birds on a high shelf. Struggling to say something complimentary to the family in my very bad Spanish, I mentioned what beautiful birds they had and how lovely they looked in the room. Immediately, the mother of the family, reached up, took the birds from the shelf and handed them to me with a smile. I shook my head, no. There was no way I was going to take the one beautiful thing they had in that simple shack.  Embracing me and pushing the bird into my hand, she smiled again and shook her head yes. It was amazing to me, that someone with so little, wouldn't hesitate to give it to stranger. With tears in my eyes, I accepted

The story and photo essay ran in the newspaper over three days. The clinic was finished, over time, after several other groups contributed their time, money or talents to complete it after learning of the villager's plight. So, yes, I felt like I had some part in creating change for that village of Nicaraguans, but the biggest change ended up being in me, through a kind, selfless gift, given to me with joy. No matter how little they had, they were still willing to share, showing me that things are not nearly as important as people and the relationships, no matter how brief, we share.... what a life lesson to emulate. 

 7. What characteristics of a person best fit with your profession?
Hardworking, people person, has to enjoy people. Introverts can be good photographers.  Be prepared for lots of weekends and nights and lots of behind-the-scenes work. Know a lot of technical skills to be the best you can, and be sure to understand all photography equipment. Be an expert in your field! 
 8. What is your favorite vacation spot?
I loved to travel and have been fortunate to be able to travel around the world. Anywhere I can go is a favorite place!
9. If you could go somewhere you’ve never gone before, where would it be? Why?

I do my travels with a friend and we are going to Peru next year. There really isn’t anywhere I wouldn’t go!

 10.  Any advice for someone interested in entering your field of work?

Make sure that you get as much education as you can -- online courses and free opportunities to do job well. Offer to catalog a piece of someone’s life. Work on creating family heirloom and treasures. This job is more important than people think. It’s an honor to do it. If you want to do this as your main source of income, be prepared to work hard.

Thank you, Kelly, for the photography work you do!

To find out more about Kelly and her work, please visit her website at Kelly Hahn Photography.

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