For festive holiday parties, pay special attention to your guest list – include a balance of couples and singles, new friends and old friends, and don’t make it too big – smaller parties are more memorable and will allow your guests to chat more with each other!
Send invitations - About a month before your selected date, create the invitation to convey the theme of your party – a must-attend event!!! Send your invites out at least 2-3 weeks before your event. Be sure to include a start and an end time on invitations and clearly indicate the type of party you are having (cocktail party, dinner party, etc.) so your guests know what to expect.
When getting your house or apartment ready for the party, set up before you prepare the food and beverages. SDCD – shop, decorate, cook, drinks, and don’t forget to get plenty of ice! Use festive table cloths to transform your every day tables into beautiful serving pieces. Add white Christmas lights to your front doorway, windows or the food tables; stack same-color holiday ornaments in large glass bowls or vases; hang colored globe ornaments from the ceiling with pins and fishing wire.
Be sure to have almost all of your preparations finished before guests arrive. That way you will be able to enjoy yourself, and your guests will be happy to spend time with you!
For an intimate and relaxing atmosphere, keep lighting low and use plenty of candles (but not scented ones; the scent will interfere with the delicious smells of the wonderful food you will be serving!)
As your guests arrive, serve any of your stronger drinks right away. Try creating a specialty cocktail!!! For your guests who will not be drinking alcohol, have colorful, festive non-alcohol alternatives available as well.
Have many bottles of sparkling water in plain sight. Not only are the bottles beautiful and luxurious, drinking lots of water brings people back down, and makes them feel better towards the end of the evening (as well as in the morning).
Encourage your guests to mingle and socialize with everyone by serving, tasty, easy, small food, such as cheese & crackers or toast points; prosciutto and salmon; fruit & veggie trays (be sure to have toothpicks!); olives mixed with toasted almonds, olive oil, thyme and a few sprinkles of salt (and set in bowls around the room), petit fours and small cookies, -- try edible presents, like brownies topped with chocolate icing and white icing bows you've created yourself.
Serve one visually dramatic item -- for example, fill clear juice glasses or clear plastic cups with brownies, custard, toasted almonds and caramel sauce for an original parfait. (You'll need spoons for this one.) Also, be sure to visualize in your mind a good traffic pattern through your house or apartment -- have 2-3 areas set up for food, drinks, desserts. It keeps people circulating instead of congregating.
Choose great music! Your guests will mingle, yes, but be sure to have some music flowing through the evening. Depending on the theme of your party, hand out the lyrics to your favorite holiday tune, play a recorded version on low volume and let the singing begin. For a more intimate setting, set the mood of your soiree with all-time favorite tunes. Early in the evening, try the soundtrack to A Charlie Brown Christmas (a classic), then include favorite holiday songs. Choose music that you know your guests will love. Music is also your best end-of-evening friend -- turning it off and flipping on the lights is a subtle signal that guests should head out on their way.
To close your evening, don't forget to raise your glass to toast and acknowledge your guests. One idea to end a party -- ask each guest to write a letter that describes his or her personal wish for the coming year and seal it in a self-addressed envelope. Then surprise and delight your friends by mailing the letters the following Christmas or New Year's.
If you are so inclined, present each guest with a simple party favor: a special ornament, candy canes, candies or personalized cookies wrapped in festive containers are items your guests can grab as they leave.
But, most of all, Enjoy yourself. If you do, your guests will too. You're the host, so glam it up -- wear something fun and festive to set the mood. You want to be jolly and jubilant when guests arrive!! Add a little fun and personal flare to your decor, be playful, make your home warm and inviting-- guests will know they're part of something magical.